Twirl: Pops rock!
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Twirl: Pops rock!

Jul 17, 2023

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The impact of dads goes beyond the immediate present.

In June, we celebrate the guys who do it all — from firing up the grill to school pick-up, tying shoelaces to throwing a ball. WE LOVE DADS and their practical athletic shoes, cell phone belt clips and love of "classic rock" music!

All dad jokes aside, Father's Day is an occasion to celebrate and honor the significant role that fathers and father figures play in the lives of children. While the importance of mothers in nurturing and raising children is well-acknowledged (and well deserving), the role of dads, including fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, resource fathers and teachers deserves some celebration.

Here are some ways dads can make a positive difference in the lives of children and some STEAM activities to celebrate them together:

Providing Unconditional Love and Support:

A dad's love and support are unique and special. Their presence and involvement contribute to children's emotional development by providing a secure and stable foundation. Their influence sets the stage for relationships throughout a lifetime. Through their care, attention and guidance, they can create an environment where children feel loved, valued and encouraged to explore their potential — serving as positive role models, embodying values, morals and behaviors that children can aspire to emulate. A dad can inspire a child by nurturing their dreams and aspirations. A healthy paternal relationship provides examples of kindness, integrity, resilience and compassion, helping children develop their sense of identity and character.

Build a Bridge:

Gather craft sticks, small cups, play dough and small household items.

Begin by talking to your child about bridges and their purpose. Research bridge designs together, then design a bridge using craft sticks and play dough. Let your child lead but offer support. Once the bridge is stable, place small plastic cups or containers at each end. Next, brainstorm things that symbolize love and support in your family unit. You can also discuss actions, kind words or gestures demonstrating these qualities and fill the cups with small household objects. Take turns sharing why each item represents your relationship and why.

Healthy Relationships, Personal Growth and Development

Dads are crucial in teaching children about healthy relationships and interactions. They model respect, empathy and effective communication, providing children with essential skills to navigate their relationships and laying the ground for them to develop strong social and emotional intelligence. This leads to positive outcomes for children's development, educational success and realizing talent and interests. There is nothing quite like a dad's "wise words" of encouragement and support in a child's pursuit of things they are passionate about or interested in. Through their involvement, they help children build self-confidence, resilience and a sense of purpose, preparing them for future success.

Make a Cuddle Creature:

You'll need a sock, soft filling (polyfill or a squishable material of your choice), small rubber bands, googly eyes, other decorative items, a hot glue gun and scissors.

Start by flattening a sock so that the heel part of the sock is facing up. Next, roll a wad of filling into a small ball and stick it inside the sock so it is in the toe area on the bottom left side. Use your pointer finger to press the ball up against the side of the sock, grab the filling from the outside of the sock and wrap a rubber band around the ball to form a foot. Do the same thing to the other side of the toe of the sock to form the other foot. Repeat these steps just below the heel of the sock for arms. Place a rubber band just above the arms to form the neck.

Put in more stuffing to form the head and secure the top with a rubber band — then decorate your creature! This is an excellent opportunity to talk about things that may be on your child's mind, allow them to share their thoughts about friends and when they might need the "help" of their cuddle creature.

Creating Lasting Memories and Bonds:

The impact of dads goes beyond the immediate present. Their involvement creates cherished memories and deep bonds that children carry with them throughout their lives. These memories become a source of comfort, strength and inspiration as children grow into adults. Male father figures and teachers leave an indelible mark on a child's heart, shaping their worldview and influencing their choices.

Dads have a significant impact on shaping the lives of children, so let's celebrate and honor those dads and all the men and father figures who show up and support their kids. Happy Father's Day!

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Providing Unconditional Love and Support: Build a Bridge: Healthy Relationships, Personal Growth and Development Creating Lasting Memories and Bonds: All comment authors MUST use their real names. Posts thatcannot be ascribed to a real personwill not be moderated. Keep it Clean. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. Don't Threaten. Be Truthful. Be Nice. Be Proactive. Share with Us.